What are geometric neural networks?

Some notes for a Clifford algebra NN study group
Some notes for a Clifford algebra NN study group
Behind the scenes of the blog ‘A Topological Trick for Data Visualisation’
Crawling the PLOS ONE site to figure out the tree of all subtopics
If the state of a neural network state is represented by the outputs of its hidden units, what does this look like in the controlled scenario of inputs coming from a known Markov chain?
A simple demo comparing the Euclidean and cross-entropy ‘distances’ on trinomial probability distributions
Picturing 72,000 words from Wikipedia content by their word2vec representations
An interactive demo of how the 2-sample t-test works
Using the ‘mapper’ construction to visualise how 7,291 hand-written digits are arranged in pixel space
Second of two blogs visualising computers on a network from their netflow traffic
First of two blogs visualising computers on a network from their netflow traffic
Conservation of species across language barriers
Third of three COP26 blogs - what’s a ‘safe’ carbon budget?
Second of three COP26 blogs - how to think about global temperature increase
First in a series of three blogs at the start of COP26
What implications does modern AI have for mathematics?
How does nature process information without a nervous system?
Friday afternoon fun with genetic algorithms and neural networks
Some notes for a Clifford algebra NN study group
What implications does modern AI have for mathematics?
An application of data science to a problem of pure mathematics